Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shock News Flash - Marina Suspension is 'OK'!

Well after staring for some time at the bizarre suspension set-up at the front end of my trusty but bouncy Marina - I gave up and took it to Pickards in Melbourne - specialist in old British Cars.

As luck would have it, they have an Adrian, from Yorkshire, who has owned a couple of Marinas in his past. I now know it has torsion bar front suspension - although I still don't know how it works.

Adrian spent an hour and a half checking out the suspension and my horrible brakes.

Turns out one of my rear brake cylinders is leaking, rendering the off-side rear drum too slippery to be effective - so 3 brakes only eh? No wonder I was having problems.

But the suspension is 'OK'. It isn't the supension that is the problem, but the soon to disintegrate steering rack. Rather glad I had it checked, as I do quite a lot of freeway driving in the Marina...

So, the hunt is on for a steering rack (not too fruitful at the moment) - or a reconditioning service (easier to get, but possibly more expensive).

A-N-D-d-d, I fixed the wipers (I think). Was easy. Replaced them with some that are not worn out. Clever huh?

Now I have to wait until it rains heavily again to see if they work properly. At least I'll be able to see the crash barrier clearly as my steering rack disintegrates...

I'm thinking of having red lines done on the tyres - like the 70's Bathurst racers. Because I can.

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